

(ESA) Europe Shopping Agent (Hong Kong) Limited



Hong Kong Registered Company and certified by the Intellectual Property Office and the Tourism Development Board to sell genuine goods and quality services

我們是經驗豐富的正品奢侈手袋賣家。我們對正品的狂熱程度與我們的顧客對購買Gucci、Chanel、Prada、Dior、Chloé、Balenciaga、Fendi、Marc Jacobs、Louis Vuitton和Yves St. Laurent正品奢侈手袋的狂熱程度一樣。我們努力確保所有的奢侈品都是正品。我們僱用了一支全天候工作的鑑定團隊來檢查和重新檢查所有的奢侈品。

在ESA購買您夢寐以求的全新和輕微使用過的Gucci、Chanel、Prada、Dior、Chloé、Balenciaga、Fendi、Marc Jacobs、Louis Vuitton和Yves St. Laurent正品奢侈品!

We are experienced sellers of authentic luxury handbags. We are as fanatic about authenticity as our customers are about purchasing our Gucci, Chanel, Prada, Dior, Chloé, Balenciaga, Fendi, Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton and Yves St. Laurent authentic luxe handbags. We work hard to ensure that all of our luxury products are authentic. We employ a team of authenticators around the clock to check and double-check all of our luxe products.

You will find the absolute best selection of authentic delux products at a bargain price. We pride ourselves on offering the most amazing deals on luxury products to our loyal customer base.
Purchase brand new and gently used Gucci, Chanel, Prada, Dior, Chloé, Balenciaga, Fendi, Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton and Yves St. Laurent authentic delux products you’ve been dreaming of here at ESA!